Friday, February 26, 2010

If i have painted a cupbord with emulsion how to protect it.varnish or wax?

i have just painted a blanket box for my has her hand prints on it.i want to protect the prints on it .i dont want them to smudge.i used a white wash then printed her hands.all of it is done with emulsion.please can you help.If i have painted a cupbord with emulsion how to protect it.varnish or wax?
Best way I know of is to purchase a spray can of clear Acrylic coating.

Makes sure no dust is present and sit box o news paper and apply 2 coats of this clear holding spary can about 12 - 14 inches away from Surface. Do not over load your application . Best to try out on a bit of Cardboard to find best results ..Once satisfied move onto your project. Clean any over spray with water ASAP.. And if all things fail..Follow instruction on can lolIf i have painted a cupbord with emulsion how to protect it.varnish or wax?
Varnish will give a tougher coating, at least two coats to ensure a reasonable consistent thickness all over. Would resist rubs much better than wax. Yacht varnish is tough and durable.
Clear polyurethane varnish.
I'm not sure how old your daughter is but any varathane product that is used on childrens products I like to recommend one that is non toxic once is dries.

Water Based Varathane by Flecto (in the blue cans) interior does the job. It comes in three sheens - satin, semi-gloss and gloss. Put on 3 thin coats , letting each coat complety dry.

It will give a crystal clear tough finish and is self leveling when applying. Stir - do not shake the can and apply with a good quality synthetic brush or sponge brush (do not roll on) or you can purchase it in a spray bottle but be carefull that you spray in sweeping motions and do not overspray or cause dripping..

I did a 6 seater kitchen table about 11 years ago using this product as my topcoat. The table is not protected with a tablecloth and everything is thrown on it (almost even the kitchen sink at times lol by now grown teens and their friends) - nothing has gone thru to the finish that I redid on the table before I put the topcoat on.

Hope this has helped - keep those precious handprints protected for years to come.
varnish clear yatch varnish
you can actually buy a clear plastic that can cover the whole top
A varnish, i painted a bread bin for college and did 10 practice boards for decorative techniques and on every one of them i put varnish on because its hard-wearing and protects the pattern/paint.

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